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Before you can make any changes to your site, you will need to log in. The login for your site is typically found at the following URL – http://your– Obviously, replace with your actual domain name.

There are exceptions to this of course. For instance, your WordPress setup maybe installed in a subdirectory. For most standard setups though, you’ll find the above URL should work.

You can login to your Dashboard using either your Username or your email address associated with your account.

You can click on the ‘eye’ icon in the Password field to reveal the password that you entered, if you’d like to make sure you typed it correctly.

If you’ve lost your password, or just can’t remember it, click the Lost your password? link. You’ll be prompt to enter your username or email address and after clicking the Get New Password button, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password.


Once you’ve logged in, the WordPress Dashboard appears. This is your main administration homepage. At the very top of your Dashboard (and across every page) you will see the name of your site in the header area. In the example screenshot below (and throughout this documentation) the site name is Your WordPress Site. This is also hyperlinked to your site’s homepage. You will also see the name of the person who is currently logged in (e.g. Joe Blogg). Move your cursor over your name to reveal the Log Out link as well as a link to edit your Profile.

When new or updated features are introduced into WordPress, you’ll be shown a New Feature Pointer. This is simply to bring to your attention some feature within the Dashboard that’s been added or updated. In the following Dashboard image, the New Feature Pointer is highlighting the updated Toolbar. Click Dismiss to hide the pointer.


On most pages, just below your Username there are a couple of small inverted tabs. One called Screen Options and another called Help. Clicking either of these links will cause a panel to slide down from the top of the page. The Help link obviously displays some help information. The Screen Options link will display various options that allow you to configure what is displayed on the current page. The details in this panel change depending on what page you’re currently viewing. As an example, on your main Dashboard page the Screen Options allow you to set which panels you’d like displayed on the page and also how many columns you’d like the panels to appear across.

Posts versus Pages

WordPress is built around two basic concepts. Posts and Pages. Posts are typically blog entries. A series of articles, listed (usually) reverse-chronologically. Pages are used for more static content (i.e. content that doesn’t change or changes infrequently). An ‘About us’ page is an example of a Page on a typical website. In most cases you’ll find that the content in the ‘About us’ page doesn’t change all that frequently.

Now, you might be thinking, “but I don’t need a blog”. This might be true, but you can also use the blog concept if you have a site where you need to display your ‘latest news’ or even just company updates. Basically, any information that gets updated on a semi-regular basis can benefit from the ‘blog’ functionality. Whether that’s a traditional blog, your company’s ‘latest news’ or even just your own personal updates.


After clicking on the Posts menu option you’ll be shown a list of Posts that your site contains. Among the information displayed is the Post title, the Author, Categories, Tags, No. of Comments and either the Date Published, Date Scheduled or the Date the Post was Last Modified. The Posts screen will look similar to the screen below.


At the top of the page you can view how many Posts in total you have in your site, how many have been published by yourself or Published, Scheduled, Sticky, Pending, in Draft or in the Trash.

When hovering your cursor over each row, a few links will appear beneath the Post title.

  • Edit – Will allow you to edit your Post. This is the same as clicking on the Post title
  • Quick Edit – Allows you to edit basic Post information such as Title, Slug, Date plus a few other options
  • Trash – Will send the Post to the Trash. Once the Trash is emptied, the page is deleted
  • View – Displays the Post. If the Post hasn’t been published yet, this will say Preview

Next to each Post title is a checkbox. This allows you to perform an action on multiple items at once. You simply check the Posts that you would like to affect and then from the Bulk Actions dropdown select either the Edit option or the Move to Trash option and then click the Apply button. The Edit option will allow you to edit the Categories, Tags, Author, whether to allow Comments and Pings or not, the Status and whether or not the Posts are ‘Sticky’. The Move to Trash option will move the selected items to the Trash.

You can also filter the pages that are displayed using the dropdown lists and the Filter button.

Clicking the Screen Options button at the top-right of the screen allows you to change how the Posts list is displayed. Click the List View option to display the posts in the traditional List View or click the Excerpt View option to display a short excerpt from the Post underneath the Post title. You can also hide various columns from view if you don’t want to see them. Clicking the Apply button will save your changes.


You can use categories to define sections of your site and group related posts. The default category is Uncategorized but this can be easily changed in your Settings. Pages cannot be associated with Categories. You can only associate Categories to Posts.

There are two ways to add Categories. They can be added whilst adding or editing your Post or they can be added via the Categories menu option. Adding Categories whilst editing your Post, will automatically assign those Categories to your Post. Adding Categories using the Categories menu option will simply add them to the list of available Categories.

When you click on the Categories menu option you’ll be shown a list of Categories that have already been added along with some blank fields that allow you to add a new Category.


To add a new Category, fill in the blank fields and then click the Add New Category button:

  • Name – The name is how it appears on your site
  • Slug – The Slug is the URL-friendly version of the name. It’s usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens
  • Parent Category – Categories, unlike tags, can have a hierarchy. You might have a Car category, and under that have children categories for Ford, General Motors and Toyota. Totally optional. To create a subcategory, just choose another category from the Parent dropdown
  • Description – The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may display it

Once you add a new Category it will appear in the list of Categories on the right side of the screen.

When hovering your cursor over each row in the list of Categories, a few links will appear beneath the Category name.

  • Edit – Allows you to edit the Category properties such as Name, Slug, Parent and Description
  • Quick Edit – Allows you to quickly edit the Category Name and Slug
  • Delete – Deletes the Category permanently from the list of Categories. After clicking Delete you will be prompted to confirm your choice. Click OK to delete the Category or Cancel if you don’t want to delete it
  • View – This will list all the Posts that are currently using this Category

If you would like to permanently delete numerous Categories at once, click the checkboxes next to the Categories you would like to delete and then choose Delete from the Bulk Actions dropdown list at the top of the page. After selecting Delete, click the Apply button to immediately delete the selected Categories (you will not be prompted to confirm your choice).

Deleting a Category does not delete the posts in that Category. Instead, posts that were only assigned to the deleted Category are set to the default Category, which is set to Uncategorized by default. The Default Post Category can be configured within the Settings > Writing section.

Adding a New Post

To add a new Post, hover over the Posts menu option in the left-hand navigation menu and in the fly-out menu, click the Add New link. Alternatively, click the Posts menu option and then click the Add New link underneath, or the Add New button at the top of the page. You will be presented with a page similar to the image below.

Adding a new Post


After clicking on the Pages menu option you’ll be shown a list of Pages that your site contains. Among the information displayed is the Page title, the Author, No. of Comments and either the Date Published or the Date the Page was Last Modified. The Pages screen will look similar to screen below.


At the top of the page you can view how many Pages in total you have in your site, how many have been published by yourself or how many are Published or in Draft.

When hovering your cursor over each row, a few links will appear beneath the Page title.

  • Edit – Will allow you to edit your Page. This is the same as clicking on the Page title
  • Quick Edit – Allows you to edit basic Page information such as Title, Slug, Date plus a few other options
  • Trash – Will send the Page to the Trash. Once the Trash is emptied, the page is deleted
  • View – Displays the Page. If the Page hasn’t been published yet, this will say Preview

Next to each Page title is a checkbox. This allows you to perform an action on multiple items at once. You simply check the Pages that you would like to affect and then from the Bulk Actions dropdown select either the Edit option or the Move to Trash option and then click the Apply button. The Edit option will allow you to edit the Author, Parent, Template, whether to allow Comments or not and the Status of each of the checked items. The Move to Trash option will move the selected items to the Trash.

You can also filter the pages that are displayed using the dropdown list and the Filter button.

Adding a New Page

To add a new Page, hover your cursor over the Pages menu option in the left-hand navigation menu and in the fly-out menu, click the Add New link. Alternatively, click the Pages menu option and then click the Add New link underneath, or the Add New button at the top of the page. You will be presented with a page similar to the image below.

Adding a new Page

Media Library

The Media Library is where you can find all the files that you’ve uploaded. There are two different types of views you can select from when viewing your media library. You can click the List View icon (List View icon) to display your images in a list, or you can click the Grid View icon (Grid View icon) to view your images in a Grid layout.

The Grid View will display a grid of thumbnail images for each of your media files. The Grid View employs infinite scrolling, rather than displaying your images over multiple pages. To view more images, simply scroll to the bottom of the page and more thumbnails are automatically loaded.

Media Library Grid View

The List View will display your images vertically down the page, over multiple pages. By default, it will display 20 images per page but you can change this number by clicking the Screen Options link at the top-right of the page and changing the Number of items per page.

Media Library List View

Both views show the most recently uploaded files first. There are also dropdown lists that allow you to filter the list of files that are currently being displayed, along with a search field to help search for files.

Within the List View, the list of files contains a small thumbnail version of the image or file, the file title and the file name along with the file extension which shows the type of file (JPG, MP3, etc.), the name of the Author who uploaded the file, the Page or Post which the image was uploaded to, the number of comments and the date the file was uploaded.

When hovering your cursor over each row in the List View, a few links will appear beneath the file name.

  • Edit – Allows you to edit the file properties such as Title, Alt Text, Caption and Description. You can also perform some basic image manipulation
  • Delete Permanently – Deletes the file permanently from the Media Library
  • View – Will take you to the display page for that file

Adding and Managing Products

Adding a product

Before adding your first product, let’s get familiar with how product categories, tags, and attributes work.

Product Categories

Product categories and tags work in much the same way as normal categories and tags you have when writing posts in WordPress. They can be created, edited, and selected at any time. This can be done when you first create a product or come back and edit it or the category/tag specifically.

Adding a simple product

Adding a Simple product is similar to writing a post in WordPress.

  • 1. Go to Admin > Products > Add Product. You then have a familiar interface and should immediately feel at home.
  • 2. Enter a product Title and Description.

  • 3. Choose and set primary Product Catagory

  • 4. Set Product Image (Recommend size: 800×800 px)
  • 5. Choose Product Brand

  • 6. Publish new product

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